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How to Deal with Work Burnout
Bouncing back after experiencing burnout can be challenging. You gained momentum for a few months and now find yourself back at square one. But getting back into a rhythm doesn’t have to take a lot of time. There have been many times I’ve come back after taking a workout hiatus for a few weeks —

How to Write Your First Blog Post from Scratch: 12 Tips for Beginners
Are you struggling to consistently write good blog posts that attract traffic? If so, you’re not alone. One of the biggest challenges bloggers face is getting traffic to their blog. Perhaps you also have a hard time coming up with blog post ideas, performing keyword research and optimizing your posts for SEO. Whatever the case,

12 Productivity Hacks for Entrepreneurs That Work
“Focus on being productive instead of busy.” – Tim Ferriss As aspiring entrepreneurs, there’s many obstacles and challenges along the way that will test our patience, skills, persistence and resilience. Every day we’re inundated with distractions like email, social media, text messages, and Youtube videos. We’re also distracted by internal forces — negative thoughts, emotions
How to Read a Book a Week for Life
Do you want to read a lot more books, but find it challenging staying consistent or finding enough time? If that’s the case, you’re not alone. The average person in America reads only 2-3 books per year. That’s fine if you want to absorb a few new ideas every year. But if you’re serious about
9 Time Blocking Tips to Boost Your Productivity
“If it’s not scheduled, it’s not real.” – Marie Forleo Do you ever reflect on your week or day and wonder where all your time went? Perhaps you wanted to finish reading a book or spend some time meditating, but for some reason life got in the way. We all have 168 hours in a
Morning Routine for Success – Create Your Perfect Morning Ritual
How you start your day can set the tone for the rest of the day. If you wake up and go through the motions (e.g brushing teeth, checking email, making coffee, etc.) then you’ll probably feel the same as you normally do. The day will go by as usual. But by creating a morning routine,